The G20 repression continues – call for solidary support at court – second date

This Wednesday, the 4th of july 2018 the activist Robin will stand trial on an assault case at the Hamburg-Mitte district court. How the police intends to construct and justify these accusations remains unclear.
The first court session was cancelled due to a formal error in the penalty order. The entire section describing the supposed criminal act was missing. This shows how the court is overstrained by the number of lawsuits they‘re trying to push through.call_for_support_trial

One year after the G20 protests in Hamburg numerous people face repression because they took part in the protests against the inhuman G20 politics and their absurd summit.
Despite all the agitation, before during and after the summit, neither the media nor the state security agencies succeeded in dividing us. We won‘t let them daunt us, belittle us, no matter their repression. They will fail to stop us.
We will not let them hinder us from fighting for our ideals. The summit is over, but our fight for a better world without war, exploitation, injustice, oppression and prisons continues.

With the antidemocratic, authoritarian eagerness for persecution, the state tries to present more and more convicted people, no matter the price. The massive police presence, state violence and surveillance before and during the summit was only the beginning. People are incarcerated since the protests and the police announced that they want to persecute activists with 3000 lawsuits.
We now need to stick together and show our solidarity. They persecute a few, but they mean all of us. This should be more than a slogan. When we face their repression together and support each other at court, in prison and in daily life, their threats loose their effect and we become more capable of acting. Therefore we‘re looking forward to solidary, colorful and deescalative trial support.

The trial will take place at Amtsgericht Mitte at 13:30 pm, Sievekingplatz 3 (Strafjustizgebäude), Sitzungssaal (room) 186 / ground floor. An entry control was announced and cell phones will be taken from you. As always people that joined the protests and have not been identified and people with an active arrest warrant should not come to court.

Our solidarity against their repression!