G20-Trial “Elbchaussee-Complex”

A trial against five activists because of supposed riots on Elbchaussee
during G20 was started today in Hamburg. The trial takes place against
five activists from Frankfurt, Offenbach and France. Three adults and
two adolescents (youngsters) are beeing accused of „beeing present“ at
riosts on Elbchaussee during G20 last year in Hamburg.

For the trial, there was a bus full of relatives and solidary people
that arrived from Frankfurt. The alliance „united we stand“ set up a
spot in front of the court building on Sievekingplatz with hot drinks
and music. Speeches where held about background information on the
courtcase. The „Libertäres Zentrum“ (LiZ) nextdoor provided breakfast
and a space to warm up during the day.

The courtroom was crowded so that many visitors had to stay outside, a
class from a school was alos watching. When the accused entered the
room, there was cheering and applause.

After checking the personal data (which is common at beginning of
trials), it was announced that the OLG (court higher than the one of the
trial) had ferused a second defender to the accused, leaving them with
one instead of the demanded two defenders.

After reading out the paper of accusations, word was given to the
defense, who declared that being present within a crowd of people while
crimes/offenses are committed, is not a crime. In addition, this
presence was not proved but only based on leads. It was claimed that
this trial was used to hide the political failure of organizing the G 20
gathering and calm down the public.

Furthermore the defense critisized the fact that the accused Halil and
Can had been refused a „Haftverschonung“ (Haftverschonung means that
they don‘t have to stay in remand/detention for the duration of the
trial, so they can be outside prison till they are sentenced by court).
The judge had granted this three weeks ago so they were set free. But
only for hours because the proscuter successfully argued against this,
so they had to return to prison. The reason given for keeping them in
detention was „Fluchtgefahr“ (supposed flight), which should be proved
to be incorrect by the fact that they deliberately returned to prison
after it was decided.

In addition to that, the defense talked about the „Soko Schwarzer Block“
(special investigation team concerning black block) consisting of 180
officers and how they trespassed their authority during investigations.

The trial ended around midday. The accused left the room with applause
and raized fists. The trial will be continued 8th and 10th of January 2019.

there will be a manifestation/demonstration 12 o clock next saturday in
front of the „Untersuchungsgefängnis Holstenglacis“ (the prison in
Holstenglacis, where the people are kept). There will be speeches and
music to send „solidarity through the walls“ to the prisoners. Together
with the three NoG20-activists from the Elbchaussee trial, there is also
the Kurdish political prisoner Mahmut Kaya, whose trial for
participating PKK started last week and wil be continued 20th of December.
