Our Solidarity against their repression! Statement from Rote Flora about the raids on 5th of December

Collectively against criminalization of the resistance against g20!

A german-wide wave of raids took place on Tuesday morning, targeting leftist structures, groups and individuals for investigations against the g20 protests in Hamburg. Initiated by the special committee of the police in Hamburg called ‘Black Block’, evidence was to be collected against people effected by an investigation accusing heavy ‘breach of peace’. Cause is, among other things, a demonstration that happened the morning of the 7th of July in Hamburg which got brutally attacked and dispersed by the cops. During the raid mostly computer, laptops, phones and USB-sticks where confiscated. No one got arrested.
We express our solidarity with everyone effected by this police operation. We are not going to let it happen, that individuals get criminalized: Some were effected yesterday, but we are all meant! They are not going to succeed with their obvious intention to illegitimate the protests against the summit of the g20 in Hamburg as well as they won’t succeed splitting us afterwards, which seems to be their calculation.

A divers, creative, determined and also militant protest in July, succeeded hindering the propaganda event effectively. Not the official production of the summit defined the pictures of these days but the protests against it . It also succeeded because a variety of political groups of all spectra pursued one common target of protest.

The police raids were not an effort to clarify ‘crimes’. The responsible persons of the police in Hamburg do what they have done in the past years again and again: pushed by a manifested enemy image, political commitment and thinking is getting criminalized. Mainly a mood is supposed to be set again leftist structures and connections.
The result is absurd. They claim pretentiously that the operation would reveal clandestine autonomous organizational structures. Why 600 cops then raided activists of verdi-youth, delegations of the pirate-party and political centers that do their work publicly, will probably stay the secret of the special committee ‘black block’.
Likely, that the lead of the special committee really doesn’t know that it didn’t need an ‘autonomous supreme command’ to bring different and effective forms of actions, at the same time, in different places, to the streets. It is after all a strength of autonomous and undogmatic relations to act decentralised, self-determined and on own responsibilities.
The publicity efficient raid of the Rote Flora is probably also finaly happening soon. Since the special committee
‘Black Block’ speculates to find our secret and malicious programs and since we archived them precisely, of course, the last mysteries of the militant g20-plans will be unveiled. But seriously: There will be more attempts of criminalization, more bait and denunciation of leftist resistance under the pretence to clearify crimes.
We are not gonna get intimidated. Anna and Arthur don’t testify! No collaboration with the organs of repression of the state!
Freedom for everyone that is still in prison.
United we stand…
p.s.: G20 is and remains total shit!
Rote Flora 06.12.2017